Q1. Why did you choose your particular specialty?
Have you ever had painful feet? There are very few things that can get you so down. We need our feet to get around. We are always told to stay active and keep in shape, but you can’t if the foundation is sore.
The foot and ankle has 33 joints and 26 bones – so the diagnosis of the conditions are much more challenging than in other parts of the skeleton. I get to be both a physician and a surgeon.
Q2. What do you enjoy most about your job?
I love the interaction with the patients. It gets even better as you become more senior. Why? Because you have seen and dealt with all the conditions, its much easier to make an accurate diagnosis and plan. This means that there is plenty of time to reassure and explain the management plan to the patient.
Q3. What one thing do you wish every member of the public knew?
You can always learn something from everyone. I have learnt so much from just talking to patients.
Q4. What three traits define you?
Competent, conscientious, caring…. but also my humour! Medicine should be fun.
Q5. Who is your inspiration?
My dad; he was a great anaesthetist. I must confess I was pushed a bit towards medicine (Asian parents!), but now that I am working as a surgeon in what I love, I have never looked back.
Q6. What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?
My Harvard Foot and Ankle Fellowship. It was great to work on the other side of the pond and live the ‘American Dream’ for a year.
Q7. If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
A stand-up comedian. But I would only last a day as I do repeat my jokes.
Q8. What advances in medicine are you most excited about?
I think stem cell therapy will one day be of great help in managing damaged tissue, but we are still many years away from this technology being implemented in practice.
Of more direct relevance at the moment is the rapid recovery from orthopaedic surgery that we are seeing.
Q9. What (health) app would you most recommend?
The J and J 7 minute workout app.

Book a telephone or video consultation with Mr Sam Singh