Mr David McArthur, Colorectal Surgeon

Mr David McArthur

Colorectal Surgeon

Mr David McArthur

Colorectal Surgeon

Mr David McArthur

Colorectal Surgeon

Areas of expertise

  • Colorectal Surgery


  • Heart Of England NHS Foundation Trust

    Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Bordesley Green East, Birmingham, West Midlands, B9 5ST

  • About Mr David McArthur

    GMC number: 4502757

    Year qualified: 1998

    Place of primary qualification: University of Birmingham

    David McArthur is a Consultant General Surgeon at The Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust. He qualified in 1998 at Birmingham University with Honours in Surgery. In between junior and senior house-jobs in the Midlands, he lectured in anatomy at Birmingham University. He subsequently undertook a period of research into the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer and submitted a thesis for which he was awarded an MD by Warwick University.

    After registrar training in the West Midlands, he secured an Association of Coloproctology of GB&I Fellowship in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery at Leeds, working with Peter Sagar, gaining considerable experience of advanced laparoscopic techniques, including ileo-anal pouches.

    On completion of training, David McArthur took up post as Consultant Surgeon in July 2011. He has had a key role in advancing laparoscopic colorectal surgery at Heartlands Hospital and setting up a service for patients with locally advanced and recurrent rectal cancer. He is on the teaching faculty of a number of postgraduate courses and has a continuing interest in clinical research.

    Areas of expertise

    • Colorectal Surgery