Barnes Private Practice
About us
Barnes Private Practice is a family-friendly GP practice that has a patient-centric approach. Led by Dr Alain Palacci and Dr Alexandra Strachan, it offers personalised diagnostic scans and treatments for all conditions.
It works closely with visiting consultants, who provide highly specialised care to patients. Both its GPs know the local Barnes, East Sheen and Richmond areas well and welcome patients from further afield. It even offers GP home visits to its registered patients who are unable to travel to our practice in person.
Barnes Private Practice is approachable 24 hours a day for home visits, and its current prices range from £160 - £300 depending on distance and time of day.
Clinic timings:
Monday - Friday: | 8am - 6pm |
Saturday & Sunday: | Closed |
Barnes Private Practice specialists are recommended by :
A centre of excellence for a wide range of disorders
General Practice
Holistic approach to all care
General check-ups
Specialist tests and treatments
In-house physiotherapist and practice counsellor
Home visits
Same-day, next-day and out-of-hours appointments
24 hour on-call service for registered patients