Dr Norman Kufakwaro, Consultant in Pain Medicine & Neuromodulation

Dr Norman Kufakwaro

Consultant in Pain Medicine & Neuromodulation

Dr Norman Kufakwaro MB ChB, FRCA, FFPMRCA

Consultant in Pain Medicine & Neuromodulation


Dr Norman Kufakwaro

Consultant in Pain Medicine & Neuromodulation MB ChB, FRCA, FFPMRCA

Dr Kufakwaro is a recommended Consultant in Pain Medicine & Neuromodulation
What if analgesics no longer work?
Will I need follow-up injections?
What will happen during my pain killing injection appointment?
What will happen in the 24 hours after my injections?
What is the procedure for pain killing injections?
What is the procedure for caudal pain killing injections?
Pain killing injections: what can I expect in the weeks following injections?
What are the side effects of pain killing injections?
What will happen after my pain killing injection appointment?
What are unlicensed steroids that are used off label?

Areas of expertise

  • Pain management injections
  • Chronic pain management
  • Spinal pain
  • Sciatica pain
  • Neuromodulation for pain

Recommendations for Dr Kufakwaro

These recommendations are for information purposes only. Doctors providing recommendations do so in good faith and are not responsible for clinical outcomes.

Recommended by:

  • byDr Basil Almahdi, Pain Medicine Specialist

    Norman has been my colleague for many years and I can profoundly recommend him on professional and personal level as one of the excellent pain management consultant in the region.

  • byMr Ahmed Ibrahim, Consultant Spinal Neurosurgeon

    Dr Norman Kufakwaro is an excellent pain specialist who has all invasive, non-invasive techniques that he can use.

  • byDr Basil Almahdi, Pain Medicine Specialist

    Norman has been my colleague for many years and I can profoundly recommend him on professional and personal level as one of the excellent pain management consultant in the region.

  • byMr Ahmed Ibrahim, Consultant Spinal Neurosurgeon

    Dr Norman Kufakwaro is an excellent pain specialist who has all invasive, non-invasive techniques that he can use.

  • Address

    About Dr Norman Kufakwaro

    GMC number: 6025844

    Year qualified: 1997

    Place of primary qualification: University of Zimbabwe

    Dr Norman Kufakwaro is a Consultant in Pain Medicine and Neuromodulation at Barts Health NHS Trust. He specialises in management of a wide array of chronic pain conditions using cutting-edge techniques in pain management. A large component of his work is assessing pain, making judgements on causality, clinical course and likely prognosis of painful conditions. His main interests are spinal pain, sciatica, nerve pain, cancer pain, chronic headache, abdominal and pelvic pain. His areas of special interest are non-invasive back pain management, wearable peripheral neurostimulation, radiofrequency and neuromodulation, spinal cord stimulation and spinal injections. In his NHS work, he assesses over 50 patients and performs 20 pain relieving procedures a week.

    Dr Kufakwaro trained in London at Barts & The London School of Anaesthesia and Guys & St Thomas’ Hospital. He was awarded various scholarships in medical school for academic excellence including the prestigious Malvern Trust Scholarship. During his pain training in the London Deanery Pain Medicine Rotation, he was selected to be the representative for London Pain Trainees.

    Dr Kufakwaro actively participates in research and audit projects in his clinical field. He has published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at international meetings. He holds memberships in the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists, Fellow of Expert Witnesses, Medical Protection Union, World Institute of Pain, North American Neuromodulation Society and British Pain Society. He likes to teach and attends leading national and international meetings. His most recent teaching was on assessment and management of complex regional pain syndrome to orthopaedic surgeons. His most recent meeting was in the International Neuromodulation Society, London.

    Areas of expertise

    • Back pain investigations
    • Cancer pain
    • Chronic headaches
    • Chronic pain management
    • Chronic pelvic/abdominal pain
    • Complex regional pain syndrome
    • Epidural injections
    • Leg pain
    • Neck pain
    • Nerve pain
    • Neuromodulation for pain and other conditions
    • Non-invasive back pain management
    • Pain management injections
    • Pain management medicine
    • Pain relief
    • Post-surgical persistent pain
    • Radiofrequency and neuromodulation
    • Sciatica pain
    • Spinal cord stimulation
    • Spinal Injections
    • Spinal pain
    • Wearable peripheral neurostimulation

    Professional memberships

    Royal College of Anaesthetists
    British Society for the Study of Vulval Disease
    International Association for the Study of Pain
    Medical Protection Society
    World Institute of Pain