Mr Jonathan Joseph, Consultant ENT and Facial Plastic Surgeon
Mr Jonathan Joseph
Consultant ENT and Facial Plastic Surgeon
Mr Jonathan Joseph BSc (hons) MBBS DOHNS FRCS(ORL-HNS)
Consultant ENT and Facial Plastic Surgeon
Mr Jonathan Joseph
Consultant ENT and Facial Plastic Surgeon BSc (hons) MBBS DOHNS FRCS(ORL-HNS)
Areas of expertise
- Adenoidectomy
- Adult ear, nose & throat surgery
- Allergic nasal polyposis
- Balloon sinuplasty
- Endoscopic anterior skull base surgery
Recommendations for Mr Joseph
These recommendations are for information purposes only. Doctors providing recommendations do so in good faith and are not responsible for clinical outcomes.
Recommended by:
Make an appointment
The London Clinic
20 Devonshire Place, London, W1G 6BW
Golders Green Outpatients and Diagnostics Centre
296 Golders Green Rd, London, NW11 9PY
Cleveland Clinic London
24 Portland Pl, London, W1B 1LU
Telephone or video consultation
Royal National Throat, Nose & Ear Hospital (NHS)
330 Gray's Inn Road, London, Greater London, WC1X 8DA
About Mr Jonathan Joseph
GMC number: 6105465
Year qualified: 2004
Place of primary qualification: University of London
Mr Jonathan Joseph is an experienced Consultant ENT Surgeon working at the Royal National Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, UCLH and a number of private hospitals. His responsibilities include the treatment of all forms of ENT disease both in adults and children. He has a specialist interest in rhinological disease and he is the lead surgeon for sinonasal cancer treatment at UCLH. His training and experience allow him to treat complex sinus disease, both medically and surgically. He also performs nasal reconstruction to treat inherited and acquired nasal deformity and has a large cosmetic rhinoplasty practice.
Another aspect of his practice is to run specialist paediatric ENT clinics and surgical theatre lists. In children he treats sleep apnoea, glue ear, recurrent tonsillitis, allergy, sinusitis, voice problems and other ENT problems.
Mr Joseph is conducting research in a number of areas. His main interest currently is in the development of ENT surgery under local anaesthetic and sedation. He has helped to build the largest centre in Southern England carrying out ENT surgery in this way.
Related to this he is evaluating the effectiveness of new devices for treating nasal disease under local anaesthetic.
Another area of research is in the management of psychological disease, in particular body dysmorphic disorder, in patients seeking nasal surgery. He has shown that collaboration with a psychologist is essential for such patients the value of screening questionnaires.
Areas of expertise
- Acid reflux
- Acoustic neuroma
- Adenoidectomy
- Adenoids
- Adult ear, nose & throat surgery
- Allergic nasal polyposis
- Allergic rhinitis (hayfever)
- Aphonia (loss of voice)
- Balloon sinuplasty
- Blocked nose
- Chronic cough
- CSF leak
- Deafness
- Deviated septum
- Disorders of nasal breathing
- Dizziness
- Dysphonia
- Eagle syndrome
- Ear infections
- Ear nose & throat surgery
- Ear wax
- Earache (ear pain)
- Endoscopic anterior skull base surgery
- Endoscopic lacrimal (tear duct) surgery
- Endoscopic sinus surgery
- Endoscopic skull base surgery
- Epistaxis (nose bleeding)
- Eustachian tube dysfunction
- Facial cosmetic & reconstructive surgery
- Facial nerve
- Facial pain
- Facial paralysis
- Facial plastic surgery
- Facial reconstruction
- Fibroscopy
- Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (fess)
- Functional nasal surgery
- Functional rhinoplasty
- Glue ear
- Grommet insertion
- Halitosis
- Head and neck cancer
- Hearing loss
- Hoarseness
- Labyrinthitis
- Laryngitis
- Mastoiditis
- Meniere's disease
- Nasal blockage
- Nasal cancer
- Nasal deformity
- Nasal endoscopy
- Nasal polyps
- Nasal septal perforation
- Nasal trauma
- Neck lump
- Noisy breathing
- Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)
- Orbital cellulitis
- Otitis media (glue ear)
- Otology
- Otomycosis
- Otoneurology
- Otoplasty
- Otosclerosis
- Paediatric (pediatric) ear, nose & throat surgery
- Perforation of the eardrum
- Pharyngeal pouch
- Pharyngitis
- Phonosurgery
- Pinnaplasty
- Postnasal drip
- Radiofrequency turbinate reduction
- Rhinitis
- Rhinology
- Rhinoplasty (nose job)
- Septoplasty
- Sinus surgery
- Sinusitis
- Smell disorders
- Stopping nose bleeds (nasal cautery)
- Tinnitus
- Tonsillectomy
- Tonsillitis
- Tympanoplasty
- Vertigo
- Voice problems
Frequently asked questions
What are the common symptoms that your patients tend to present with?
They tend to present with:
• Nasal blockage
• Nasal discharge
• Facial pain, presumably due to sinusitis
• Balance disorder
• Hearing loss
• Discharging ears with infections and other sensations in the ear such as ear crackling, popping ears.
• Sore throats
• Difficulty swallowing
• Changes in the voice
What are the treatments that you're able to offer your patients?
In terms of initial medical treatments, for the nasal symptoms, it's usually a combination of various nasal sprays and nasal washes. If those fail, then we tend to proceed to surgical treatments – operations to improve nasal airflow.
With the ears, I would often clean out any wax or discharge in the ear in the clinic and then administer topical treatments into the ears to help improve the condition of the ear.
In terms of treatment for any throat infections, commonly patients have acid reflux which contributes to throat discomfort and I administer medical treatments for that.
Other surgical treatments would be:
• Recurrent tonsillitis – tonsillectomy
• Closure of eardrum perforations causing the cone infection – myringoplasty
What are your areas of sub-specialist interest?
My main interests are primarily diseases relating to the nose, like chronic sinus problems, structural problems with the nose itself, whether it's causing functional problems or cosmetic problems. Sometimes it's to do with birth defects. I'm looking at particular ways to solve those, whether it be medical or surgical.
My other area of expertise is paediatric ENT, looking at all the various conditions that are more specific to children, such as glue ear, tonsillitis, snoring problems and sleep-disordered breathing.
Professional memberships
